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July 7, 2023

I was blessed to be with my graduating class of 1968 for our 55th reunion.  We had a special service on Sunday; I shared “A Message from a Wise Guy”.  No, it was not me—it was Solomon from the book of Ecclesiastes.  The theme was time is passing quickly.  From 1968-2023 time has passed quickly.  Approximately one third of our class has passed over time.  I was reminded of the need to come alongside those left behind.  Lives are transformed when we do. 


My summer has been focused on assisting Bible Believing Baptist Church (BBBC) in its time of transition while seeking a permanent pastor and in continuing Compassion’s Calling as God opens doors.  I appreciate your prayers for BBBC and for Compassion’s Calling ministry.


If there is any way I can be of help to you, let me know.  I am here to serve.  Don’t forget to Hug, Hush, Help, and Hang.  It will make a difference to those around you.


In Christ,

Pastor Vail



Isaiah 58:11  The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought, and strengthen your bones; 

You shall be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.


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