February 3, 2022
The Lord not only heard your prayers on my behalf but answered them with an amazing week. Every encounter was a divine appointment. I don’t have time or space to tell all God did but I will share a bit.
The Lord placed on my heart to share with those I met that I was there for them because He cares. I was there as His representative and I was there to intercede on their behalf.
I met a lady in the store which we (Glenn West and I) just happened to stop. After a brief conversation I asked what I might pray about. She asked prayer for her daughter-in-law because she was in an accident that morning and killed a 14-year-old boy. I prayed and found out the pastor of the church I was working with had been at a luncheon that day and was asked to go see a person that was involved in that accident.
We visited another person and when asked what to pray about, he said he wanted to be a better Christian. His wife had died a year before and no one had been to see him except his daughter. He really appreciated our visit. Glenn will continue to follow up with him.
We stopped at a place of business where the staff were all Christians. I left a Gospel of John and shared how I used it for a unique way of ministry. Glenn received a text requesting we stop by with some more Gospels. One of the ladies planned to pass the idea on to the pastor of her church.
We were only going to be five minutes at another place but the Lord had other ideas. While there, the Lord moved on the heart of the owner to give a piano to a lady. There is much more to that story.
I was given a Grinch costume to use for free. It would have cost about $100 to rent. The concert was great. You can see it on Lumber River Facebook page, December 11. The church was filled with joy, laughter, love, and sweet fellowship. Pastor Mark said there were nine new visitors that night.
I could go on and on about the visits made and lives touched, but wanted you to get a flavor of how God answered your prayers. My goal was to encourage the saints, enlighten the lost, engage the church, and be an example of Christ. I believe all of those things were accomplished.
Be praying for God’s leading for the end of February through March. I am asking God to open doors, open my eyes to see them, overcome any obstacles that stand in the way, and that I may speak as I ought.
I need wisdom and direction in scheduling. If you have any leads, let me know. Thank you for being a part of this ministry and keep on keeping on.
In Christ,
Pastor Vail
Isaiah 58:11 The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought, and strengthen your bones;
You shall be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.